The new Swedish "Surveillance-tax".

DNMR's Niklas Starow writes on Second Opinion about the Data-retention directive and how it forces a new "surveillance-tax" on the citicens..

Here is a part of it.


"Om man läser igenom lagrådets remissvar tas det bara upp att allmänna medel måste tillföras, men hur mycket kan vi bara spekulera om fram tills regeringen går ut med en faktisk summa. Vilket innebär att man antingen inte räknat på det eller att man inte vill berätta det. Oavsett vilket så kan man dra slutsatsen att:

Datalagringsdirektivets införande innebär att det måste införas något som närmast kan liknas vid en "övervakningsskatt"."


Rough Translation:

"If you read the legislation council's (?) consultation response you only see that public funds will be provided, but how much we can only speculate about until the government goes out with an actual sum.
Which means that they either have not calculated on it or they just don't want to say.
Either way, it can be concluded that:

Data Retention Directive's introduction implies the need to implement something that can only bel called a "surveillance tax". "

DN, Expr, PB, TV4, Oscar, Johannes, Scaber Nestor.

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Free Kareem.

Från Free Kareem's supportsida.

The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information reports that Kareem is being beaten at the State Security Intelligence (SSI) headquarters in Alexandria where he was held illegally for the past five days. The press release notes that Kareem has completed his full sentence and should therefore be released. A translation of the report’s highlights are below:


On the 6th of November Kareem Amer was released from the Borj Al Arab prison, where he was held for years, and his official release was meant to be processed, however he was detained by the State Security Intelligence in Alexandria where he faced beatings by a junior officer as well as an order for his continued detainment.


Gamal Eid, the director of the Arab Network for Human Rights Information, said that these practices against an unarmed prisoner is creating a climate of hatred against the police forces in general and the State Security Intelligence officials in particular. Kareem already spent years of punishment and his release is now a legal obligation, therefore why is he being beaten and held illegally?


The network stresses that holding a prisoner under these conditions despite having completed the sentence given four years ago is an injustice that people will not be willing to forget. Egypt’s ministry of interior will have to one day answer for these crimes. The ministry in question, with all its soldiers and officers, are not more powerful than a person’s right.


Hax, RWW, btnafas, mideast youth.

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